Lately I have been reflecting on my life and it's purpose. I have felt an awakening to begin acting with compassion and sincerity for people. Specifically, those in need in my community. This call has led Matt and I to begin reading a book together called Barefoot Church by Brandon Hatmaker.
I have only read the foreward and first chapter so far but so far it is speaking to me EXACTLY where I am! He states "We've settled for serving ourselves and serving as an event rather than serving those in need and living in a new way of life that Jesus has called us to." This is so true of my life. I find plenty of excuses about why it's just not possible for me to serve those in need. I am tired from chasing around 3 little boys all day, I have to cook dinner, Matt works long hours, oh and the list goes on and on. But, I feel a revival within me starting. So much so that it's making me feel unsure of things I always felt HAD to be a part of life.
What will this look like? That's part of what scares me a little...I have no idea. I am quick to categorize myself as the left brained gal with a step by step plan. But, I am realizing it just takes something to wake up inside to quickly change me to a dreamer. I am dreaming big for the future of our lives. Dreaming that we all have compassionate hearts that are forging our way to help "the least" in ANY way that we are called. I am going to start by getting involved in an established local mission. I am thinking Raleigh Rescue Mission.
Who are "the least"? As Brandon Hatmaker puts it "The least is a collective description of those in need. It describes anyone who simply has less. Less can be anything from being underresourced to being along, from having inadequate or no housing to little or no food, from the rarity of comfort to the complete lack of freedom. Less is simply less." I have always thought that in order to have a serving heart you needed to be working in the homeless shelters, a missionary, etc. I think that I am realizing that I need to look for the least in my neighborhood, at the store, AND on the street. It could be a lonely widow, a child starving for attention, a sick friend. My heart is changing to seek the least and seek to serve them by setting apart specific volunteer time but also as my eyes are opened to notice the need on a daily basis.
I am excited to dream big and live it out with some practical ideas and sentiments from this book. Who else is dreaming out there?
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