Saturday, September 13, 2008

our busy life...

I know it's been a while since our first post! We have been so busy with me going back to school and keeping up with the house.

The beginning of this school year has been fantastic. I am now teaching sixth grade math and science at Wendell Middle School. Both of my classes are fantastically wonderful kids. It's a fun experience because I have a few kids that really demand a lot of my time because of their homelife, etc. but I really feel like I can truly make a difference because the rest of the kids have very involved parents and it's been great so far!

Matt has started planning for grad school. He plans on attending NC State next fall. We are going to begin Wednesday night study dates at Panera for him to study for the GMAT and for me to grade papers. We hope to make these sometimes boring things become more exciting:)

Well we are off to do our Saturday yardwork and grocery shopping.

Monday, August 4, 2008

new to this...

Hello everyone!

Matt and I are new to blogging, but are excited about joining in on the fun. We recently bought our first house. We closed on May 30th and have been living here for just about 2 months officially now. I will be posting some pictures of it soon.

Last weekend we spent 4 days visiting the Robinsons at their new home in DC. We were excited to see the way that they are working in their new ministries in their new church home. They have so many exciting things happening.

I am excited to begin my new school year as a sixth grade math and science teacher. The kids first day is August 25th, but I have my first work day on August 14th. It is exciting to get to know all my new coworkers as well as transition to teaching middle school kids. I can't wait for it all. Matt has been busy with work projects and keeping up with all of our new house projects now that we have a yard to take care of watering, mowing, and my personal favorite weeding...haha!

With love,

The DeJongs

We were pink waved by Element on Wednesday. We came home to a yard full of flamingos. It was quite entertaining!