The month of May has brought a lot of beautiful weather and a lot of events. Late last month (April) we helped our friends the Bennetts pack up for their move to Oronogo, MO. We miss them greatly but are very excited that they were able to move closer to both their families.
Then early in May we went to a surprise birthday party of one of my coworkers. When she walked in the door to find us all hiding in the kitches shouting Happy Birthday it was very neat!
Last weekend we went to Artsplosure in downtown Raleigh. It was a lot of fun to walk around and see all the interesting artwork and all the creative people. While we were there we saw a good share of interestingly dressed people but for the most part it was really nice. On Sunday of that same weekend we went to a wedding. It was in Benson, NC. One of my coworkers from my old school was getting married. It was a beautiful ceremony and reception at a bed and breakfast.
This past week was a somewhat stressful week because my students were taking their end of grade tests. It is three straight days of boring silence while the students work away. After the tests are over the kids think that they are done for the year so on Thursday and Friday I worked to prove to them that our year is not over until June 10th. Although, I wouldn't mind if it was finished now either ;-)
On Friday Matt and I went to see Terminator and it was pretty good. Last night we had a game night with the Shannons and one of my coworkers. We played some Balderdash. Good ole game! I woke up this morning and suddenly I am sick as a dog with a cold. I dread those summertime colds they always feel so much worse because it's unexpected! I hope that with this long weekend I can relax and feel better quickly though.
I cannot express how excited I am that the school year is almost finished and I will be headed home for Brighton for three weeks. I will be in two weddings (my sister and my best friend Nicki's). It will be fun to go back home and see everyone and not worry about teaching for the summer!
Last but not least, Matt has been working hard at Pepsi. His hard work has paid off and landed him a promotion. He is now an analyst. We are very excited!