I think it is so easy for me to get caught up in the consumerism of America. Don't give too much of your time, your resources, your energy, your whatever because you need to make sure you have a bank of it stashed away. I know this is a grim way to think about it but the more I think about my lack of love for others in the past, it just sickens me. I am vowing to remember to choose love. This passage from Barefoot Church really hit me...
Here's a suggestion: when in doubt, choose love.
- Can't decide if you should give? Choose love.
- Can't seem to swallow your pride on a foolish matter? Choose love.
- Having a hard time forgiving someone? Choose love.
- Rather keep your time for yourself than help someone in need? Choose love.
- What would Jesus really do? Choose love.
How could I not choose love with this precious cargo God has decided to put me in charge of?