Since my last blog post, I have been on a journey. I decided to seek the path of choosing love and found myself on an adventure! Matt and I decided to begin "spear-heading" operation solve the homeless problem in Raleigh. Well, at least that is where my vision was headed. With a little thought and community involvement, why couldn't we...right?
What I have come to realize is that there are so many wonderful people in Raleigh on the front lines already working hard to serve the least: the hurting, the homeless, the elderly, the lost, the hungry, you name it there is an organization out there that you can get involved with. I am learning the importance of getting on board with people that already know what they are doing.
After talking to many people and attending a few meetings, we are finally on our way! In a week and a half we will be serving a meal at Urban Ministries for about 45 people. We have started making preparations and are getting so encouraged by the way the people in our small congregation at East Bridge want to jump in and help serve a meal at the Women's Center. A few of our guys are even going WAY out of their comfort zone to bring a stocked cooler and bug spray to one of the homeless camps we've recently found out about this Saturday morning.
My purpose in writing about this is to encourage my brothers and sisters in Christ to open your eyes and see the need in your communities. There are people that you walk by every day who need love in some way. Who are they? Are you going to keep walking by and telling yourself someone else will help them? I challenge you to just start somewhere: mow an elderly neighbors lawn, make a meal for someone in need, listen to someone who has no one else. If we all start remembering that our ordinary American life is actually a mission field, what could we do? Could we turn our world upside down by showing that we actually love well?
Are you in? I know I want my kids to grow up spreading this love to others!