Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Snow Days!

We Heart Snow Days!

I really never thought that we would be taking a picture like this of our house. The snow was beautiful and just what I needed as I was getting homesick for Michigan. A couple of my coworkers called and asked me if I was happy because I kept saying... "Oh, I wish we could just have one good snow, I miss it so much!" Well, as you can see from the picture, it arrived!!!

Matt worked from home yesterday and I had yesterday and today off from work. It has been a wonderful very long weekend. Yesterday we were able to watch the inauguration and enjoy a relaxing day. After Matt's work day was over, we went outside to play in the snow. It would have been beatutiful skiing snow, but we were not able to pack it into a snow man... trust me we tried!

I hope that if you live in NC that you took a few minutes to enjoy the beauty and fun of the snow too! Enjoy it while it lasts!!! Crazy weather... its supposed to be 60 degrees by Friday!

Dilbert loved the snow too!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas in Phoenix

Merry Christmas... a little after the fact!

Matt and I ventured to Phoenix to spend Christmas with his parents, his brother, and his brother's wife. We had a good time with everyone. Our picture is in front of his parents house in Arizona. Their house was beautiful, but the weather was not really. It was actually warmer in Raleigh than it was in Phoenix the week of Christmas.

After we got back from Phoenix, Matt and I had most of last week to spend together because neither of us were working. We went to see the Nutcracker in Raleigh. We went to a New Year's Eve party at my friend Heather's house.

We had a very fun and relaxing vacation. Back to work tomorrow though! I am actually looking forward into getting back into my routine and seeing my students again. This week we will be dissecting cow eyes. The idea of it grosses me out but I wouldn't want to be the only one in my department not doing it. Yuck! Haha...but I'm sure it will be fun.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years.
Much love from the DeJong's!