Monday, July 1, 2013

Walking Down Memory Lane

I find the summer to be filled with fun with the kids but if I'm not careful, it can suddenly be filled with activities every spare moment. Don't get me wrong, I love planning fun things to do with the family, but I am trying to savor the moments.

This past week, I have been feeling very sentimental. The end of June marked seven years that I have called Raleigh home. Thinking back on my time in Raleigh has sent me down many memory trails. I remember the first summer I moved to Raleigh, I thought the summer would kill me. I had never experienced heat and humidity for such an extended period of time. My second week in Raleigh was July 4th, my sister came to visit and we attempted to go to the fairgrounds and stay until the fireworks display. After an hour we looked at each other and had the same thought. "AC...RIGHT NOW!!!" It was still 104 at 9:00 that particular day.

I also started thinking back to becoming homeowners for the first time. We were so excited but also so scared...haha! It has been such a blessing to have a house we call our own. I can't believe it was five years this past May!! I guess we don't take many pics of our house...haha. There's the top for your viewing pleasure :)

Levi's first Halloween
Another host of memories comes into play when I first opened my home daycare. I knew I wanted to be home with Levi and everything just fell into place. The families that allowed me to take care of their babies will forever hold a very special place in my heart. They not only gave me the opportunity to stay home with my son, but they also trusted me with their own sons. It was always an adventure!

Garbage truck Fridays!
Painting Pumpkins...its too bad we didn't take an after picture with paint everywhere!

Me and my fellas

Now that it is the first of July, I can't help but think forward to August 10th. The day my baby turns ONE! I can't believe how fast this year seems to be flying by. August will be filled with new for all of us. I just accepted a preschool teaching job. I will be teaching 3 year olds Tuesday - Thursdays. Levi and Asher will also be attending the preschool. The catch is, Asher has to be I am only forcing him to use his walker 6 hours a day for now :) Of course I'm joking!! Levi will be in another 3 year old class because I requested that I not be his teacher. I am so excited for this opportunity to be in the classroom again but also have my children right there too! Levi is SO excited!!

Asher - 10 months
Levi - 1 year

Memory lane makes me teary eyed wishing time didn't fly by so fast. However, it also makes me want to slow down and savor every moment. I resolve to spend the rest of this summer taking time to enjoy my family!

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